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New York State Society

of Orthopaedic Executives

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New York State Bones, Inc. (NYS Bones) is
the only statewide non-profit organization
dedicated to providing educational programs
and informational resources specific to the
needs and concerns of Orthopaedic
Administrators and key practice managers.

Latest Events

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Networking Peer to Peer

The more we ask members where they go for advice on running a practice, the more we find it is from other experienced practice managers. 

Member on-line List Serve

For Members Only to facilitate immediate member-to-member communication about key issues facing practices, a forum for sharing ideas, and informational updates about useful tools and references.

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Exhibitors & Sponsors

Interested in knowing more about exhibiting, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities?

Upcoming Event:
AAOE 2023
Annual Conference

AAOE and NYS Bones have partnered to get you the education you need!


After the AAOE $150 discount and the NYS Bones $150 scholarship, you can attend the AAOE Annual Conference for the education and networking you need for only $199 (f you register by the early bird deadline of February 14).


Use promocode - NYSBONES300

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Member News

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NYS Bones

Membership benefits include networking with
other practice managers, legislative updates, and access to the membership directory.

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Join Our Membership

If you are not a member, we invite you
to join. Click on the Membership tab to
read about the benefits of membership
and complete an online application.


NYS Bones is a member driven organization and, as such, we
ask for your ideas, suggestions, and comments.

© 2016 - 2023 NYS Bones, INC. All Rights Reserved.

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